Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stop Tripping Cause I'm Not

I got the one chick she so immature...like to show out in public throw tantrums on the floor


Most men always claim they don’t want drama in their lives and women are always so dramatic, but it seems when we (women) keep things chill and low key men don’t know how to respond. When we place no demands and are unaffected by their inconsistencies men get a little insecure. It has been my experience that most men get a rise out of having a girl act “crazy” they brag to their friends about how much “Shorty is tripping”. The drama a woman brings when she behaves out of character well let’s face it fellas is a great ego stroke and y’all eat it up. So after having a conversation with a very close friend of mine this poem was born. It’s kinda like my poem Nigga Sick except it’s geared toward the fellas and obviously much shorter. Enjoy…

Stop Tripping cause I’m not Tripping
Why I gotta act a fool for you to play it cool
Why I gotta shout and scream act all mean for you to see the beauty in me
I’m chilling tryna keep things light but seems you wanna declare war every damn night
I’m being me accepting this situation for what it is to be but you can’t deal with the tranquility
I like to keep the peace but for some reason it’s drama you want to increase
I won’t go outside of my character and behave all over the top
Boy stop tripping, cause I’m not
You gave me all the rules and laid your game out loud and clear
Intensions were duly noted so when I’m cool with it why you gotta act all weird
Is it that your plans weren’t sincere, were you anticipating that I wouldn’t hear
Hoping I’d ignore the rules and bend a stripe or two just for you
Waiting for the other shoe to drop, surprised I haven’t smashed your windows with a rock
Boy stop tripping, cause I’m not
Making and breaking plans just for fun, thinking this time is gonna be the one
Sending mixed messages you’re so confused son
I don’t wanna bust your bubble or put you on the spot
So please stop tripping, cause I’m not

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