Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Please Listen to My Demo P-ppplease Listen to my Demo

Okay I've worked hard selecting and perfecting my poems to publish my book. Spent my hard earned fifty bucks to purchase an ISBN, and e-mailed all my friends and family about my accomplishment, so what happens now... Shameless self promotion that's what. However thoes who know me best know that I am rather shy and a pretty private person, so needless to say I am struggling with this process. I believe in my talents and I don't mind working hard to make my dreams come true, but I must admit I am a bit...okay a lot nervous about putting my name out there and promoting my book. I want to be sucessful but where do I begin? I've tweeted and emailed, my spaced and skyped, I want folks to not only buy my book but LOVE my writing, I realize that not everyone will feel where I'm coming from and I'm bracing myself for the feedback. So here I am at home on a Saturday afternoon, making business cards, creating flyers and debating about making a facebook fan page. Everyone must start somewhere and I just want to get my name out there, maybe I'll attract the attention of a great literary agent! So wish me luck dear readers as I take the first steps in the long journey of persuing my life's dream.


  1. I can relate. Going through the same thing...well minus the flyers and business cards. I wish the best of luck in all your endeavors!

  2. Thanx gurl, sharing your writing with the world can be so scary. Putting your creation out there for the world to see and comment on is like being exposed especially since poetry so personal. Knowing someone who can relate makes it a bit easier. Wishing you much success as well my fellow poetess thanx for reading xoxo
