Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Something to Whet Your Appetite

It’s no secret that my lifelong dream is to be a successful published author, therefore in my pursuit of that dream I am in the process of writing two books and one short story submission. My goal is to join the Triple Crown family and to have one of my short stories published by Noire. Every time I read an Urban Novel I think to myself “hey I can do this” and when it comes to erotic tales I know I can churn out a juicy tale or two. Although writing is my passion it is also a process, which can be a quite daunting task. I have stories and characters for days and I can write about anything and any genre (except Sci-fi) but editing and formatting is just not the most pleasurable experience for a creative left-brained person like me. However my work is a representation of me and writing is my form of artwork so it’s very personal, and I want to produce a quality product. I aim to submit nothing less than a perfect manuscript to the publishers out there. Publishers receive hundreds of submissions and I need to make sure my work stands out for its originality and creativity and not for formatting and editing errors. I am kind of a shy person but my writing can be very bold, and the idea of having my work reviewed and critiqued I must admit is a bit scary. The purpose of my blog is to overcome these fears, it is you my dear readers who get first dibs at my writing, so consider yourselves lucky and “Welcome to exclusiveness…”

So today I am sharing with you a small excerpt from one of my Submissions entitled

Paper Doll

Once in my room I shut the door and changed into my night gown. I went into the bathroom and washed the makeup from my face. I re-entered the room surprised to see Pedro sitting on the bed. He was drunk and a wretched combination of cognac and sweat seeped from his pores.

“Alex really likes your mother.” His speech was slurred making his Spanish accent more prominent. I didn’t respond, I was nervous as hell and I wanted him out of my room.
“…and I really like you Danni.” He winked at me and it made my skin itch “but you don’t like me” he let out a sigh “you like Jesus, or maybe you like this even more eh?” He stood up and placed 10 c-notes on my dresser.

I looked over at the cash as Pedro walked toward me. I was frozen, the thought of having sex with Pedro made my stomach turn, that combined with the few drinks I had earlier made me nauseous. I turned toward the bathroom, but Pedro grabbed me by the waist from behind. I was too afraid to put up a fight. I didn’t want to make a scene in Alex’s home and for some odd reason I didn’t want Jesus to know that I was about to get fucked by Pedro. He grabbed my hair and bent me over the bed. He pushed my night gown up and roughly palmed my tight round butt. He reeked of cigars and liquor. There was no foreplay or sweet words, no gentle touches or soft moments. I cringed as Pedro’s hard dick forced its way into my vagina. I wasn’t wet or turned on one bit, but Pedro continued to hump me and slur his words speaking in Spanish. I didn’t know what he was saying and I didn’t care I just wanted it to be over as soon as possible. He drooled and drops of his sweat leaked on my back as he stroked my hair. He withdrew right before he climaxed and blew his sticky load on my ass cheek.

“That’s a good girl.” He gazed at me and stumbled out of the room.

I ran to the bathroom and jumped into the shower, I wanted his smell off of me. I felt disgusted as I sat on the bed and stared at the $1000.00 he’d left on my dresser. I was saddened and ashamed as my thoughts once again drifted to the love of my life, Kelz. I fiddled with the Tiffany necklace Alex had given me and thought to myself maybe I can’t do this. Maybe I can’t be Alex’s “doll” after all, cheapening myself for the pleasure of Alex’s rich friends. Played with and tossed to the side like a “rag doll” maybe this wasn’t for me. Then I thought of mama, and Joe-Joe, Kareem and grandma, the cold streets of North Philly compared to the warm comfort of Alex’s 2000 thread count Egyptian sheets. I needed Kelz; his love was the only real thing in my world. Joe-Joe was fully seduced by Alex and I was already losing my grip. Mama was also under Alex’s spell, and I could feel myself slipping too. Filling all of my emotional space with material waste, Alex was paid and could give me whatever I wanted, but without Kelz I felt like something was missing. I curled up on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

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