Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Watch Out Boys She'll Chew you Up

The Huntress

Her appetite is building waiting until the moment is right

She devises her plan and keeps her blueprint tight

You won't see it coming and she's about to strike

Sizing up her prey it's too late you're already locked in her sights

No need for bait or decoys here she's already close enough to taste your fear

stealth like a jet yet easy as the breeze

like a tigress in the jungle

Queen bee in the swarm

I'm the huntress on the prowl constantly wanting more

Storm clouds loom and set the eerie scene

Rolling sounds of thunder

Fertile earth at her feet

Lightening illuminates the dark sky

Just then you might get a peek

As her eyes glow with hunger

your heart skips a beat

The fury of the huntress grows stronger and more fierce

She moves with the rhythm of nature

Slithering close to the ground

The she pounces like a lioness

Her prey is taken down

No one has the audacity or balls strong and brash

To purposefully cross the huntress' dangerous path

But if you have the misfortune of becoming the next one

Pray her hunger is strong and your pain won't last long

Her claws are like talons sharp as a samurai's blade

Her eyes pierce like like spears instantly you become her slave

Her precision is impeccable exact like a surgeons scalpel

Watch your back if the huntress is after you

Revenge is her motive and she makes it quite clear

Giving a much-needed lesson to those she's wasted tears

She's cold as ice and that's the way she prefers it

Like a vulture circling overhead

Once in her debt she must be fed

Pay back is a bitch

And there's no way to deter it

I am the huntress on the prowl

And my revenge will be


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