Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Friday, April 1, 2011

Making a Fashion Statement

I know I've been M.I.A. for a min, but I had some Computer issues :( I had to send my laptop to HP and it came back to like a complete stranger. They'd wiped my PC clean all my programs and downloads gone needless to say I was devastated. However now that we've taken the time to get reacquainted (my laptop and I), I bring you a short blog that will hopefully give you a chuckle and win your reading eyes back to me. So enjoy xoxo

Okay so we've all heard the expression "the clothes make the man" or "girl you wearing that dress!" well as I'm perusing around the Internet considering a little retail therapy
I peeped one of those "I love my boyfriend" t-shirts and my Pisces imagination started churning. What if we could always wear shirts that expressed our feelings, emotions or mood.Depending on what were wearing sometimes our moods can shift there's the infamous "freakum dress" the "come fuck me heels" and it seems that the people we interact with respond accordingly.

So imagine if when we get dressed every morning we simply rocked a t-shirt that describes your mood in three words or less. Would communication be more efficient, knowing the person's mood or current attitude before actually speaking to them? Would you think twice about divulging the gritty details of your cat's surgery if the person listening (or not listening) was wearing an "I don't give a shit" t-shirt? What do the t-shirts you would choose to wear most ofter say about you? So what 3 t-shirts would be in heavy rotation from my wardrobe.

#3. "Long Night"... self explanatory a polite way to say "I'm not in the mood today" plus it's work friendly lingo for "hungover" lol

#2." I love My boyfriend"... Yeah corny I know but I'd have to rock this one a few times appreciating my man now and than never hurts hell it usually works in my favor (insert sneaky laugh)

#1. "Are you serious"... because every now and then somebody needs a reality check, Yours truly included :)

So what would your top three t-shirts say? Your response could say a lot for how you view life and how you want to be viewed by others. Would your t-shirt collection be gloomy and negative, happy and optimistic or just plain weird?

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