Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Friday, June 3, 2011

Apparently Sex (still) Sells

Howdy dear readers, I know my blogs are always far and few between but aren’t all luxurious things usually in limited supply ;) Anyway enough stroking my Divah Ego, and down to business. I’ve been working on short stories and my two books, doing a little research and reviewing some of my past work. In my quest to make a name for myself in the writing world I seek out writing contests and other venues where I can share my talents. Although I haven’t yet graduated to doing an actual poetry reading, I’m perfectly comfortable sharing my writings and musings in a social media platform. My latest conquest is an erotic short story competition. In trying to get my creative voice heard I’ve found that the topic of Erotica is in high demand. I’ve mentioned before that I can write in ANY genre (except science fiction) and my comfort zone is street lit, and fiction stories involving a lead heroine who overcomes her circumstances. However somehow I have slipped into the Erotic fiction groove, the story that I’m working on now will be my third “Steamy Short”! I find it both very challenging and exciting to write about sex, and boy oh boy I have a few slippery sexy scenes in the two books I’m writing, but to make the whole story salacious has been interesting to say the least. There’s a fine line between sexy and raunchy and believe me I’ve done my fair share of research. One of my fave authors Noire does it like no other she keeps it hot, heavy, and hood. Of course we can’t speak on Erotic fiction without mentioning the Mother Goddess of the genre Zane; Addicted was one of the first erotic novels I read. I also have a few “Red Light” books, you know the thin paperbacks you find in novelty stores on "The Block". My hats off to these successful authoresses for keeping it classy and sexy I love them both, and pray I can be half as successful as these trailblazers.

In writing my sensual shorts I always want to stay true to a plot line, although gratuitous sex and T&A is usually an attention grabber I’m a writer not a smut pusher lol. I want my reader to connect with my characters, enjoy a good story and be thoroughly entertained in the process. So as I weave sex into my stories or vice versa I’m looking for more than just shock value. I’m looking for one thounsand different words for Penis, one hundred different ways to convey an orgasm, fifty ways to describe a sexy character and a million different ways to keep folks reading. So wish me luck fam as I embark on this titillating journey, and don’t forget to vote for your girl. I’ll post the link once I submit my entry.

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