Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Monday, September 5, 2011

I Got The Power!

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a pretty positive person. I’m a “glass is always half full” type of person and I choose look at the brighter side of things. I know at times my “there’s a silver lining to every dark cloud” attitude can become annoying to sum (mostly negative Nellies) but for me it’s crucial to my sanity. I have to know that any suffering, trials or tribulations I endure in life are for a purpose, for me to get to something greater on the other side. Otherwise it’s all in vain and I believe that the creator doesn’t want his children to suffer unnecessarily. Also in my family we believe energy is all around us and affects us in everyway spiritually, mentally, physically psychologically you name it. I was taught too believe in karma; in that what you put out into the universe you get back. Therefore I cannot surround myself with negative energy it’s as much a threat to my physical being as using the same tissue of someone who has the flu. We absorb energy just like any other physical entity in this universe.

So about two years ago I started hearing all this buzz about The Secret. You know the world famous book by Rhonda Byrne. At first I was skeptical like I already know all of that stuff about the power of positive thinking and blah blah blah. Well eventually I broke down and purchased the book, mostly because I was tried of feeling out of the loop lol. I had the book for about a month before I actually read it and when I did I must admit it was rather enlightening. I like I said I was already “somewhat” familiar with the law of attraction and self fulfilling prophesy, but learning to actually put it into practice and using it was a whole other process. Learning to speak on what I wanted instead of what I didn’t want was a major learning process for me. For example saying “I’ll have the money to pay my phone bill by Tuesday” instead of saying “please don’t let this phone get cut off on Tuesday” changed my entire out-look. For me it gave new meaning to the bible verse “Ask and you shall receive”

As I am reading the book and putting the secret into practice I’m begging to notice slight changes here and there but just like learning anything new there are bumps along the way. I began writing things down, visualizing what I wanted, and behaving as if I already had it and it was working, not consistently. It tickles me because even my youngest son was writing down his wants as well (PS3 games, movies and such). I think personally I as a bit afraid. Could you imagine ANYTHING you ask for and Poof there it is! We all know how the saying goes “be careful of what you wish for…” So I started to worry, what if I ask for the wrong thing, are my wants shallow, do I really needs this…and once you start to question the process the trust and belief begin to wane a bit (just my opinion/experience). Basically my “shaky” energy and fear was polluting the process.

Well very recently my needs became very clear and I began to focus all of my (positive) energy into certain goals. I believed in my heart that what I needed/wanted would happen. I erased all doubt and refused to entertain any worry, (I did have one moment of weakness and I just prayed whenever I felt stressed). I was confident that the creator and the universe would provide, and low and behold I got what I needed. Oh and lets not forget gratitude! You must be gratefully and give thanks, pay it forward to continue to receive, but y’all should already know that. Gratitude is part of staying positive, I pray at least twice a day. Thanking the creator for all of my blessings and asking that I continue to be blessed.

 So I’m learning to master The Secret and my next step is to create a vision board. As I am searching my home for a suitable board I found the one pictured below. I made this collage back when I was in high school, yes it’s tattered and worn, but it makes me smile every time I look at it. Everyone on that board is near and dear to me, it’s kinda old so some (new) folks are missing so I’ll probably have to add a new pic or two. However I thought to myself what a perfect backdrop for my Vision board, having the love and support of family surrounding me at all times is def at the top of my wish list! I encourage everyone to harness the power of positive thinking, learn the law of attraction and practice it in your life daily, the change will be remarkable!