Welcome To Exclusiveness

The Divah and The Damsel struggle within me, demanding and independent the Divah is care-free. Demure and soft-spoken the Damsel doesn't fight she waits patiently to be rescued by her strong and fearless knight

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tell 'em Why U mad son! Tell 'em Why You mad

Opinions Are Like Assholes, And Yours Is Shitty

I am kinda shy and reserved, which can work against me when it comes to the task of promoting my book and getting my name out there. When you present yourself and your work in a public forum you open yourself up to the opinions, praise and criticism of others. Now any fool knows when you’re in the public you gotta have thick skin, and realize that your flavor may not be EVERYONES favorite. Which is why I respect published authors and artists so much. However there is a difference between constructive criticism, an opinion and just plain old bashing.

Some folks’opinions or criticism may carry more weight than others, for various reasons. A) they’re a known, trusted and respected source with years of experience in the business, B) they have a proven track record of recognizing a winner from a dud, or C) they have influence over a large number of people who value their opinion, which gives them power, but that doesn’t necessarily make them an expert. A very recent experience exposed me to the latter, and that person’s actions left a sour taste in my mouth regarding the politics of the writing/publishing business. However I guess I must thank him for opening my eyes to the ugly side of the business. I tend to turn a blind eye to some of the ugliness and negativity in the world and search for the positive instead (one of my Pisces qualities). So I’m growing my thick skin, and learning as I grow, but I will always remain a lover and not a fighter.

Below is my open letter/comment to the group I belong to on FB regarding the impact a certain reviewer had on the group. I’m posting it to my blog because I DO NOT want anyone who reads this to make the mistake that my words represent ANYONE but myself. I don’t want my words to reflect negatively upon anyone else or draw any unwanted attention or an unsavory backlash. I take full responsibility for what I say in My blog. These are my original thoughts uninfluenced by anyone or group. And with that being said if anyone has a problem with it, by all means don’t read it, and tell all of your friends as well….

Oh so you mean to tell me that we’re not allowed to defend our work in the literary world? I give birth to my writing instilling my sweat and tears for me each sentence, poem, short story, or book I write is like my child. I see the beauty in my work regardless of what anyone else says and a mother protects her children at all cost. It’s only natural for a creator to love their creation. If I put time and effort into something pouring out my heart and soul best believe I’m gonna stand beside it with pride and go after anyone who tries to tear it down. As artist/creators we are biased which is why constructive criticism is so very important, but on the flip side some opinions really JUST don’t matter.

After reading the weird/negative review (or opinion) “The Mad Reviewer” posted on Amazon I posted one comment because I felt that’s all he deserved. Why devote hours and 60 comment long threads to something so negative? “The Mad Reviewer” still is and will remain a non-f’ factor in my book, which is why you won’t find his Gov name anywhere in this blog post. Sigh it’s a shame we gave Whatshisname more attention/power than he deserved. I’m still kinda confused on what makes him such a reputable source/book reviewer anyway. Has he worked for any world renown publications, has he had a column in any major magazines or media outlets? Have any of his reviews been printed on the back or inside cover of any New York Times best sellers or Pulitzer prize-winning works of fiction? Who died and made him the Ebert and Roeber of the literary world. It seems to me that Whatshisname is just One bookstore owner who just happens to have enough time on his hands to log on to Amazon and write reviews. And who the heck writes reviews on a game and puzzle books anyway? The Mad Reviewer that’s who! Being a bookstore owner may afford him access to specific circles in the writing world that some us (mere readers) may not have but in the end he’s just ONE man with ONE opinion, and you know what they say about opinions.

The fact that he has influence, and he’s choosing to use it to slander Noire’s name and work speaks volumes about his creditability and his character (as does his flimsy review). He danced around every valid question and discussion point Noire and Black Fist made and went straight to belittling her fans’ intelligence. When challenged to an intellectual exchange he chose to take the low road, and when a few members hit below the belt, he choose to stoop even lower by trying to basically “blacklist” Noire’s books. How ridiculous can you be Mr. Mad Reviewer, this 2011 not the 1950’s. If they can’t get it at your store or your “so called” friends' stores trust and believe it can be purchased elsewhere. I find it very ironic how he insulted the group calling us lemmings and exactly what would you call the individuals who he’s influencing not to purchase Noire’s book (without reading it first and forming their own opinion). Clearly The Mad Reviewer’s anger is misguided and misdirected, but who am I to offer free therapy or waste time trying to figure him out. I’m sure he’ll work out his issues on his own; “tell em why you mad son! Tell em why you mad?” You stepped into the lions’ den with a steak around your neck (your review) and expected to come out unscathed. Were we not supposed to challenge your review? Sorry we didn’t get the memo, what’d you say your name was again?

The backlash from whatshisname’s review shows the ugly side of the business that scares me so much. As a writer I consider myself an artist and I don’t want to be wrapped up in the politics of the business I just wanna create.

Noire I’m sadden that you won’t be as active in the group as you were before, but I completely appreciate and understand your position in needing to protect your Brand and your work. Just know that the creator blessed you with an awesome gift and the reviews of one person or one million people cannot change that or take it away. Noire keep doing you, because your true fans and readers would never abandon you because you had an opinion about some bookstore owners review.

P.S The Mad Reviewer saying crap like: “I like Noire I’m a Noire fan, I sell her books at my store” to me is like a white person saying “I’m not a racist some of my best friends are black” It’s weak and ungenuine just like his review and I see right through you Judas

Yall go get that G-spot 2 Pride: The 1st Deadly Sin I promise you will not be disappointed.
